

February 2025 - Writing Workshop on "How to Write a Story That Unfolds Like a Movie"

Bowen Craig and Tracy Coley teamed up again to present this workshop, inviting participants to turn their fiction or nonfiction writing into a story that unfolds like scenes from a movie. The class included sessions on writing scene and setting from observations, story structure and narrative arc, and points-of-view for character and story development.

Photo credit: Jennifer Shaikun

December 2024 - book promotion trip to Jamaica

Bowen Craig traveled to Jamaica with Kelly Codling to promote Kelly's books, Pass the Oxtail (Before the World Ends) and True Believer. One of the stops on the trip was Sangster's, a Jamaican bookstore chain, where Kelly's books were submitted.

Photographer Matt Brewster of Marigold Solutions accompanied Bowen and Kelly on the trip. Matt captured many great moments from the trip.

Photo credit: Matt Brewster, Marigold Solutions

September 2024 - Indie Authors Fair at Athens-Clarke County Library

Bowen Craig participated in the Indie Authors Fair, answering questions, representing the many authors of Bilbo Books Publishing, as well as being a contributor on panel discussions.

an Indie Author representing Indie Authors

November 2022 - Writing Workshop on "Preserving A Delicate History"

Bowen Craig teamed up with Tracy Coley to present the "Preserving a Delicate History" writing workshop. The workshop attendees learned about asking the right questions to preserve a complicated or delicate history while honoring and respecting the person and their story.

learning taking place

August 2021 - event to introduce Chevy Mize's book, Tobias

An event was held in the "front yard" of the Bilbo Books office to introduce Tobias by Chevy Mize, and to allow fans to grab some "Tobias merchandise."

We're excited about the book, and we're thrilled to have the opportunity, after what seems like an eternity, to arrange outdoor events with our authors.

a perfect day for a book event

May 2020 - Pandemic Poetry

Alice Mohor shared her latest poem...

new normal

my life now has
a varied flow
since home away
from those i know

safe distancing
my new routine
with surfaces
kept very clean

i feel compelled
at every turn
hand washing is
a great concern

and wear a mask
when i go out
though mostly i
just lay about

Alice Mohor, author of Special Days and Shared Days

As one of the many multi-talented authors we work with, Alice also shared some videos she created for her church. For something completely different, see what Alice is up to when she's not writing poetry... but be ready to dance!

November 2019 - Bilbo Books Open House

We were joined by many of our amazing authors and clients to celebrate the opening of our new office, and to welcome a holiday season dedicated to conversation, celebration, connection and, of course, fantastic books.

Stroll through the gallery of photos from the Open House...

the new home of Bilbo Books Publishing

April 2019 - Claire Dunphy's book signing at Normal Books

Attendees gathered to hear Claire do a short reading of her new book, Becoming Earthwoman: Thank You Notes from a Grateful Guest. Everyone stuck around to discuss the book and to have Claire sign a copy.

Claire discussing her book and doing some signing

April 2019 - Claire Dunphy's book signing at Avid Bookshop

Another event was held at Avid Bookshop to celebrate Claire for her book.

Claire mesmerizes a crowd of eager listeners

October 2018 - Oconee Fall Festival

It was a splendid day at the festival. We enjoyed meeting new people and having some of our authors stop by.

Authors Kelly Codling and Alice Mohor
(photo credit: Marigold Solutions)

October 2018 - Kelly Codling's book signing at Normal Books

Attendees were treated to a reading of Kelly's book and a taste test of Kelly's cooking. Kelly Codling of Kelly's Jamaican Foods partnered with Bowen Craig of Bilbo Books to create a book that is part memoir, part cookbook, all delicious.

Kelly doing a bit of autographing

July 2018 - Stanley Longman's book launch at Normal Books

Stanley Longman, professor emeritus and former Head of the Theatre Department at the University of Georgia, gave a special reading of his new book, Corah's Magical Excursions in the Night.

Stanley reading from his new book

August 2015 - Tweet Moore's book signing at Talmage Terrace

It was an enjoyable afternoon at Talmage Terrace with Sarah "Tweet" Moore signing her new book, The Moore Themerrier.

"Tweet" surrounded by Bowen and Bill

More events coming soon...