The Deluxe Package
We work with the author every step of the way, from idea to book launch (and possibly beyond). We meet with the author on a regular basis and help him/her focus the idea and write each chapter, editing along the way. The Deluxe Package ideally means weekly meetings with a Bilbo representative, but can be customized to fit the author’s needs. We also help to plan a cover design and organize interior artwork and/or photography. We edit and find other readers to edit as well (fresh eyes are always valuable and we know a lot of English majors). Then, when the final draft is ready for print, we find the right printer for your material and handle the technical and emotional aspects of the back & forth between publisher and printer. Once the book is in hand, we plan an appropriate marketing campaign (including book signing events, Internet campaigns, press releases and even author interviews).
Price: $12,000
The Dictation Package
We know that some authors, for different reasons, cannot actually write. Some authors may be physically unable to type or may have a wonderful book idea, but want to write in English, when his/her first language is something else. In this case, a Bilbo representative will meet weekly with you and take notes as you dictate the book. We will record these sessions for later review, and meet weekly with you to show you what we’ve written. That way you can be sure that your words are appearing as you envisioned. The Dictation Package also includes editing, finding a printer, and organizing a marketing campaign. You don’t even have to write a word, and, in the end, it is still your book.
Price: $15,000
The Complete Package
We review what you have written and make editing recommendations. We meet regularly with the author and continue to guide the author through the writing and editing process. The Complete Package ideally means bi-monthly meetings with a Bilbo representative. We find readers. We find the right printing house and work with them to make your book what you wanted. Then we tailor a marketing campaign to meet your needs.
Price: $10,000
The Economy Package
With the Economy Package, you provide the manuscript. We edit and give “book crafting” suggestions. We find and work with the right printer for your work. Once your book is in your hand, we offer marketing suggestions and encouragement.
Price: $5000-7000
Limited Editorial Service
We edit your book and make “book crafting” suggestions. We find the right printer for you and your book. We know that not everyone can afford one of our larger packages, but that doesn’t mean that your book idea doesn’t deserve our attention and aid.
Price: $3000
Ghost Writing
You tell us the story. We write it for you. You review our progress along the way. We edit the book. We find the right printer for you. We design a marketing campaign tailored to your desires. You get all the credit. We do most of the work.
Price: $20,000
Standard Payment Schedule: You pay half of our set fee down at the beginning, upon signing a contract. You pay the second half of the total amount upon final delivery of the written materials to the printer, right before printing. Our prices include the cost of the printing of the book. Book sellers, printers, and other, lesser self-publishing companies may take a percentage of the amount earned from book sales, but we do not. We want the author to be rewarded financially as well as emotionally for the work.
For detailed pricing information contact us at: